World Online

Chapter 252 Dark Flash

The cries of war filled the battlefield. But that was the last of Jake\'s problems. He was not the least concerned about the falling soldiers.

He looked at then, acknowledged their fall, and looked the other way almost immediately. Every single player that fell was not one that he cared about.

They were all tier one players. He knew it. Tier Two players would not fall to an enemy like this. The enemy was powerful, but not powerful enough to pose such a threat to tier two players. This was the reason he even waited for so long.

His arm was tired, swinging for so long, but he still persevered. He knew that as long as he kept things going for just a little more, he would get a little support from somewhere.

Jake glanced up at his HP bar, which was slowly dwindling down to the yellow zones.

"HEALERS!" He shouted with a hoarse voice as he didn\'t even deem it proper to turn his head. He just shouted at them, and continued walking forward.

"Healers! Your turn now! Make sure the front line can keep fighting!" He shouted again.

This time, his shout was a little less powerful. His voice was growing weaker, but the same could not be said about his fighting.

No one dared to comment on the way he was just plowing through the enemy right now. His side had few frontline soldiers left, and yet, Jake was able to almost singlehandedly protect the right flank.

"Where the hell are Myriad Arrows and Kierch?" Jake wondered as he took a quick sweep of the enemy\'s numbers.

Unlike the fight with the wolf, this time, the enemy wasn\'t so endless. They weren\'t just stretching to the horizon, with more and more numbers just coming at them. This time, there were a fixed amount, and the number of monsters were dipping to the first thousand.

"That enemy that I saw. I still can\'t place him anywhere yet." Jake made a note.

That was also something he was worried about.

An enemy that was so strong, perhaps only he or maybe two or three others in this field could defeat.

He had absolute confidence that given a situation, Kierch or Myriad Arrows could defeat this monster. But the problem was, they weren\'t on the field at the moment.

So, he could only rely on himself. At least, he knew that he had the skill set to go against someone so strong.

"Damn it. Each of these monsters, they even have different swords. But all of these swords are rusty. Who is actually supplying them with rusty swords? Or maybe, they just were born with them?" Jake shook his head, dismissing the second thought.

How could a monster be born with a weapon?

But the fact that each monster had a different weapon meant that each monster had a different fighting form, a different skill, and different tempo.

He felt like he was fighting a different human every single time, except that the human had gotten dull, and was only fighting with instincts.


In the corner of Jake\'s eye, he suddenly saw a dark flash rush past some of the zombies.

This was a dark brown flash, but one that Jake immediately recognized. The color of this flash, it was the same color as the armor that the leader of this zombie army was wearing.

A rusty brown.

"Really? I talk about it, and it decides to appear right in front of me?" Jake shook his head as he suddenly darted to the left evading a sword attack, and let his sword fly, decapitating the monster in front of him.

As the head of the zombie fell on the ground, he raised his head, crushing the head. The moment he did, the body also fell on the ground, on its knees, slowly dissipating into the air.

"You are a powerful enemy." A clear, ominous voice came from in front of Jake.

"A monster that is intelligent enough to talk with emotions." Jake\'s hair was standing right now. He was getting the goosebumps.

"And you are?" He asked.

"That is not something of your concern. You are to die soon enough, either way." The zombie stepped up, and Jake could see it.

The other zombies had no intention of stopping though unlike when Jake fought the wolf king.

"Damn it. GUYS! Take care of the zombies around me. I have to take care of this specific one." He shouted as he gripped his sword harder, and took a step back, entering stance.

"Why even try to go against me? You are weak. You are slow. You are defenseless. You have an interesting armor, one that could probably defend one or two of my attacks, but after that, you will die in just a single blow." The leader zombie shook his head.

Jake could tell it was a man.

That was because this one zombie leader looked so much different than all the others.

For one, it was now wearing a helmet. Something that none of the other zombies were wearing. It was also bearing much more luxurious clothing beneath its armor, which completely decked the monster.

It was better equipped, and it also had an aura about it that no zombie had.

But all of this was pointless, for there was one thing that set it apart.

Its face.

Jake only saw it from the back before, but now, as he looked upon it from the front, he could see the zombie in its true form.

It had gray skin, but the gray skin was uniform. It had defined features, like any human.

It was a human\'s face, but only that this face was gray in color. That was the only thing that differentiated it from a human.

This was a different beast, Jake knew it.

"Enough talk. Just come at me." Jake snorted.



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