The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 151 - First Mission II

{Check the comments for the last chapter}

"Yes?" I tilted my head to the side by a few degrees.

Right now I was wearing the \'Formal Clothing\' Rose had put on my bed before dinner. While I kind of expected myself to be wearing a dress that would not have been very ergonomic, the three-piece suit I was wearing was a lot more comfortable than a dress or even a normal suit. Clearly, the suit was designed for combat.

The suite was actually commissioned by Rose the day I joined the guild, and since she knew I liked darker colors, the evidence being my mask, and knew that my eye color was a golden yellow, the decision to find the thing that would suit me the best.

She had something closer to a uniform than a suit, but at the same time, the uniform didn\'t sound that bad. One of the main things the Discarded Devils are known for is their professionalism, so one of her ideas was that the guild should enforce a uniform that will have minor changes between each person to give them something like an identity.

Mine had a simple greyish-black suit mixed with a bit of gold making it a dark yet vibrant color. It was like the color of skin, even though some skin may be darker than other skin, they all look alive. One usually cannot tell the difference between the skin colors until they actually see a person as a corpse and before they had died.

The lining of the Blazer/Jacket was a vibrant gold that shone brightly with the reflection of the sun. It had multiple patterns of dragons within it. The inner piece, that being the vest/waistcoat had the same dark beige color as the jacket/blazer followed by the trousers.

Around my neck, I wore a gold tie with a dragon running down it made out of black patterns, which was wrapped under the collar of my white shirt.

Rose had made sure that I would wear these badge buttons? I don\'t know what they are but they seem fancy and posh, which is also a reason I did not like them. I did not see a reason for them, but if she said I should wear it, I probably should wear it, for my own safety and all wink wink...

[The button is a storage space, you idiot]

\'Oh... That makes sense\'

Lastly, around my hips was a black belt mainly used to hold the white and gold katana and scabbard on it for fast retrieval. While yes, having my blade in my storage ring would have an element of surprise, the element of surprise was simply not worth the slower draw speed, therefore I choose to keep it on my hip rather than in my storage ring.

As the girl looked me up and down, I could not help but feel her scrutinizing eyes try to see past my clothing. These clothes were not just normal clothes, after all, these were combat suits. They have enough runes engraved into them and enough permanent protective enchantments to block out the attack of a full-fledged knight-ranked warrior while a lot of runes are used for stealth, extra buffs to the user, and just a few more things that just make my life a lot easier than it would have been without them.

"Aren\'t you a little young to be escorting us?" The young girl asked with a stuck-up tone.

\'Wasn\'t she the good one... What\'s her name again?\'

[Dumbass. First off, yes, she is the nice one. I think she is testing you. Secondly, her name is... her name is... It starts with an N right?]

\'I have a feeling it starts with an L\'

"Can you not here me? Are you deaf?" She waved her hand at my face, mildly annoying me.

[Use mind-influx or whatever it is called whenever you speak to me dumbass]

"Pretty much old enough. You on the other hand should probably get moving into the carriage. Wouldn\'t want the pretty princess getting hurt, would we?" I grinned behind the mask.

"Know your place vermin! HMPH!" She crossed her arms and turned away while harumphing loudly.


[Probably because she saw your face]


[I am literally alive to serve you, so you are technically fucking yourself? Don\'t you do that at a regular rate nowadays? You almost defiled that corpse once hahahaha]

The robotic voice had started getting on my nerves, making my ears go red while nerves bulged on my forehead and my arm as I clenched both my teeth and fists tightly together. However, in the end, I swallowed my anger and walked towards the three who were entering the carriage.

"We will stay inside the carriage while you can choose if you want to say with us or the front seat of the carriage." The older man informed me. I could tell he wanted me to choose the front seat as he did not want to share seats with someone he had just met, so I went with it since I did not want any trouble.

"Don\'t worry about it. I\'ll stay on top of the carriage" I shrugged.

"Well, you\'ll have to get down when we get to the teleportation hub. We wouldn\'t want you getting lost in the deep abyss would we" The man chuckled while I simply raised an eyebrow at the phrase "The Deep Abyss"

"Sure" I replied nonchalantly while jumping and landing on top of the carriage, where I could see everything without obstacles. While yes, I could still use divine eyes to see outside from the carriage, my 360-degree vision did not have the same privilege, lowering my sights to basically just my normal vision and my peripheral vision.

After feeling that the carriage was about to start moving, I crossed my legs and looked at the distance where sky-pierciung mountains stood tall and sturdy before sighing in a defeated manner.

"If only my mother wasn\'t such an ass" I muttered under my breath while remembering the days when I would train with my father, play with my sister, grandma, and my mother.

\'Sometimes I ask myself, where would I be if my family had turned out well?\'

[Stop speaking in the third person.]

\'I swear to god I will gauge my eyes out

[Pretty sure they will just regenerate.]

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